Sunday 20 October 2013

Social Communication Verses Social Media.

Hey folks, welcome to the nine million three hundredth and forty six thousand Seven hundred and twenty first website on the Internet!

So, life is going pretty well for my past week, things are finally turning up Kuzma! But I don't want to say things before they are set in stone. You will find out more later on. However there are some disastrous things happening as I write. In my town there is a bushfire that has so far destroyed nearly 200 homes and over 100 more cannot be lived in. My thoughts and prayers go out to those poor people.

I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I didn't want to interrupt her ~Rodney Dangerfield.

Has anyone noticed the way people are communicating these days? Wait, put down your phone, now look around. Have you noticed something? So many people today are communicating via text or messages and not noticing the person who is next to them. Am I saying that face to face conversation is better? No, because I know many Aspies do need to talk via a screen. That form of communication can be helpful because it means they don't have to worry about things like  body language or eye contact. So as an Aspie who has put a lot of hard work into communication, which way do you think I prefer? Well let's find out.

First of all, let's talk about social communication before we talk about social media. Jane Austen once wrote: "My idea of good company is the company of clever, well-informed people who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company." Even though that was a quote from a while back, it still has a lot of meaning today. We shouldn't judge our social life by how many friends we have but the way we talk. We should be asking each other what are our views on what it means to be accepted in today's society. Instead I hear too much conversation about how our 'bros" on how yolo it is to be planking with our shorts around our knees. If you prefer the later form of communication you are more of an annoyance than a stinky, screaming baby on an eight hour flight, next time don't feed that baby a mother milked dummy!

Something we must also remember that social communication has it's ugly side. It can be like a bad sitcom with its constant laugh track, the people of which probably died long ago! With today's emphasis on reality programs we have built ourselves a society that judges people on their physical appearance and everybody should fall within a designated expectation. What I would like to say is that there is a lot more to the make up of a person than just their physical appearance, their manner, beliefs and ethics and a whole lot of other little bricks that go to build a person. Yes there are things we need to improve but those things involve self sacrifice of ego, empathy. People must think less of themselves and be more accepting of others no matter size, shape, gender fender bender, skin colour, religious belief or mental capacity. When we stop judging others and learn to love ourselves, only then can we start to better ourselves.

Social Media is a revolutionary way of finding out more about our fellow friends. By the click of a few buttons you can find out more about someone quicker than it takes Wiley Coyote to take a leak while running down the Road Runner. Have you ever seen Wily take a leak whilst running him down? See how quick he is!  to load up a DVD. Events, birthday parties and hanging out can be arranged in seconds by sending invites to hundreds of friends! Who sends invitations by mail these days? May as well send a letter by dinosaur post. Emailing and dropboxes mean we don't have to send things by mail, you can send a program or file to your friend which he can either download a file in the hour, or read an email in a second. Let's face it, most of us have taken a picture of our meals to show our mates how delicious our dinners are. Simple, fast, reliable, except when autocorrect corrects our ducking words.

Sadly with the way texting and messaging has become many of us are not like the Little River Band and 'Reminiscing', but are like one certain song and everyday be 'shuffling'. Honestly, I know I like to put pop culture references in my conversation but when does it become to much? When does wit turn into meaningless conversation. I have trouble with developing deep and meaningful conversations because when I start with my wit sometimes I don't know when to stop. There are reasons for this I guess the main one is if I can see that person is enjoying it, I don't want to stop their joy. I have spent so much time trying to make people happy, that I have neglected my own self-esteem. There is a happy middle somewhere in all of that! Like a muffin of enlightenment or a pie of delightfulness. Normal criticisms are fine but harsh judgements aren't. I guess constructive criticisms help me improve as a person but harsh judgements only lower my self esteem. 

So when it comes to communication what do I choose, media or face to face? Well, I'm sorry but I can't decide. Face to face is just fine. I have spent so long working on my communication skills I get insulted when people are constantly texting in a conversation. However, I am also guilty of having done exactly that. So it is in a way hypocritical of me but now I am no longer texting during conversations. Talking on the Internet is fine when you are unable to talk to someone in person. I had a conversation with my brother last night while he is in Africa.  This was a test of patience due to the delay in replies and technical mishaps. I had a deep and meaningful conversation on the net with a friend about beliefs and religion last week. It really opened my eyes! My first girlfriend started on a conversation on a status about toenails! But there are times where we need to know when we are talking and when we are really communicating. 

For my foot note I was sent to Lithgow to save my Babcia (grandmother) from the fires, to show me her gratitude she dragged me, kicking and screaming to bingo. After a valiant attempt of ink bashing and numbing punching I learnt that 88 is two fat ladies and the number 69 is a table for two with a terrible view!

Farwell for another week! and remember never ask a woman if she is pregnant, even if she is pregnant!

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