Monday 18 November 2013

Myers Briggs and Aspie ways Part 2

Hey guys, welcome back to the blog that tastes just like cola, C O L A cola!

A lot of things have happened in the world this week. Amongst those was the unfortunate resignation of John Elder Robison from Autism Speaks. John, as my mentor, I hope you and your wife are doing okay and I'll be sending you a letter this week. You are a good man and an inspiration to many, especially to me!

What's happened in the week of Kuzma? I went on an exceptional date! I got a lot of feedback on part 1 of the Myers Briggs post. Finally I showed off what I have been working on to the guys at '2discover'. They loved it all ! Which is great!

So we are onto part 2 of 3 of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator blog! This week we will talk about other half of the types. These include Thinking/ Feeling and Judging/ Perceiving.

Let's start with Thinking, though I am sure you were thinking long before this blog. Penny for your thoughts?

 The people who are more aligned to Thinking rather than Feeling tend to rule their decisions based on logic. When it comes to the battles of the head fighting the heart, the head wins. Why wouldn't it? The thoughts go in your brain, not in your heart! Otherwise your heart would be stuck in the safety shell that is the skull. Nobody wants an achey breaky heart. Chances are if you are a thinker you like to make pro and con lists when making decisions and to be consistent and logical in deciding. I got to say, through all the pop culture stuff I enjoy, the word 'logical' comes off with the least emotional setting. Then again someone who is highly logical will worry a lot less because he/she has already planned ahead. In a zombie apocalypse you may want a thinker because they will more likely take personal matters out of the equation. So whatever you so, don't get bitten!

Now that we have left the cold, logical ways of thinking, let's move to the heart strung, fuzzy wuzzy sunny times of feeling!

So what makes a feeler a feeler? BIG HANDS! Ew, that word just doesn't sound right, let's start that again. What makes someone with feeling different to the thinking person? Well feeling people make their decisions based on their own ethics, morals, principles values. They put their heart before their head. Cause if there is no emotion in something, what's the point? It's all about weighing up what people care about, not just their point of view but others as well. They want to make sure harmony is in order. And lastly in relationships a feeling person will appear caring, warm and tactful. They will have a greater sense of empathy. In the final analysis, if decisions mainly come down to how you are feeling and the emotions of others, then you are the feeling type.

So, let's see where these two fit in to someone with Asperger's Syndrome. The popular concept is that Aspies are very much thinkers and aren't on the feelings side at all. Which can be true in some cases yet false in others. For instance I come up as a feelings type due to the history I have had with bullying and trying to find a girlfriend. It's not that we don't have emotions, we are just unsure on how and when to use them. It is very easy for us to classified by neural typicals as being self centred, rude or not caring. As a result as soon as we are classified by someone, we feel exposed and shut ourselves in.

Onto the final quarter! Judging and percieving!

The judging type of person does not mean that they are judgemental. It means to have things in sequential order. To put things in order, organise events/things in particular way or put a series of events into a certain order. Structure is the key element! Those who fall into the judging category are people who need closure. Judging people feel more at ease once decisions are made, due to rules being set in stone. Now where's my chisel!?

Perceiving people are more spontaneous in life, flexible with their actions and plans. This means they can keep their options open and think randomly. These people can be spontaneous, no not spontaneously combusting, otherwise there would be a lot of heated arguments! Percievers are open to new experiences like trying a new food, adventure or songs that might make others want to hurl. I'm looking at you Miley Cyrus!

So, what are people on the Autistic Spectrum more likely to be? In this case, I believe they would prefer to be Judging. The structure, sequencing and order is something that Aspies need to help them function. We tend to be collectors, at times it is not just enough to have a complete set of what we desire but it must be in the correct order as well. To Neural Typicals this might be trivial, but to us it is essential so that we can sleep at night. Our sense of being is in our routines. With me it is the opening act of getting out of bed having a shower, having breakfast and going out the front door. After a hot summers night, I don't want to mix up that sequence. I know that everybody likes to work to a certain order or in a certain way. Neural Typicals might not be too put off by starting days in different ways. I have a established my routine and I know if that is put out of order it takes me a long time to get over it.

So there we have it! Now we have all four sections of the Myers Briggs and Jung type Indicator. Tune that dial in next week to find out about guardians, artisans, Idealists, Rationalist, and the real life/fictional characters that relate to them!

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