Monday 25 November 2013

Myers Briggs Part 2 Personalities Part 1

Hi diddly ho bloggerinos! Welcome back to the blog that has a secret magazine fetish.

I am sure many of you have had a frighteningly excitable week, I know I have had one hell of a week! Monday brought me to the western Sydney institute of Tafe where I mentored Aspies  on what it is like to be living with the condition. We talked about things like Pokemon and Minecraft. Tuesday brought work, where I created various graphic design projects. Wednesday had nothing to do so I sat and relaxed like a sloth on sleeping pills. Thursday I continued working, finishing up some projects I had for the guys at '2discover'. Friday was the big one! I went to Bicentennial Park to deliver a speech to a good 70-100 people! Some of the best people in the field of psychology laughed and cried at my spellbound speech. What male could refuse a DD conference?

I should also point out I caught up with with my best friend Kevin! He lives in Perth so we have a long distance brolationship. We sung, we drank and let the good times roll, for it had been 2 years since the last time we saw each other. Kevin, next time you have to be here for another week!

Who saw the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who? Wasn't it amazing? For those who hadn't seen the episode here's what happened,  ________ was under ________ by the _______, so __________ used __________ to ____________ __________ ______ and now ______, _________ and ____________ have to ____ what happened.

Okay let's get on with the show. If you read the past two blogs, you will know what goes into each of the Myers Briggs types. If you hadn't, stop reading this and go back to those blogs NOW! The time has come to learn who we are and which fictional/ non fictional people we are most likely to be. I need to put a disclaimer up first. Just remember that some characters are completely unlike others. So If you are relatable to Darth Vader, it doesn't mean you set up an empire and kill Jedi, your schwartz is not that big. This also means that just because one characters intelligence is high or low doesn't mean you are smart or stupid. Also some of the definitions I use are tropes from the popular website called tv tropes.

Let's start off with the Guardians!

'Many evil things there are that your strong walls and bright swords do not stay. You know little of the lands beyond your bounds. Peace and freedom, do you say? The North would have known them little but for us.' ~ Lord of the Rings.

GUARDIANS are considered to be social people. They look for stability in their lives. In their arsenal of skills, their strongest skill would have to be in the field of organisation or logistics. In writing there are a wide range of would-be Guardians, from 'Patriarchs' to 'Badass Bureaucarats' and 'Scroungers'. However some of these roles are fit for Artisans. Guardians have a strong sense of duty. When it comes to friends they're preoccupied with maintaining order in the group.

So who are the different types of guardians?

ESTJs, also know as supervisors (no not people who have eyes of super vision) are unbelievably hard working individuals who are highly social and community minded. These people are very practical and make good administrators. It has been said that supervisors approach relationships in a more traditional way. Lastly Supervisors are known to have an eye for detail, so no half-arsedness when it comes to projects with ESTJs!

Fictional ESTJs
Princess Leia from Star Wars
Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc
Joe Swanson from Family Guy

Non fictional ESTJs
Martha Stewart
Tom Clancy
Henry Ford

ISTJ are the Inspectors, I hope they aren't going through this blog for typos! These people are orderly, wanting to work with facts. They are dutiful, working to their loyalty in traditions. In fiction, they appear as the stoic however you don't want to see them at their worst, where they become the Knight Templar. Even though they are introverted, they still appear sociable.

Fictional ISTJs

Martin Crane from Frasier
Alexis Castle from Castle
Principal Skinner from The Simpsons

Non fictional ISTJs

George Washington
Sean Connery
Natalie Portman

ESFJs, or Providers are- wait a second (do I hear a drum roll?) Hey look! We are up to me! What can I say about my personality type? Well we have been known to stand out when others are in order. We are loyal to a belief system based around our environment rather than an internal belief system. They are great when it comes to team work. So make sure you have a Provider on your team!

Fictional ESFJs

Donald Duck
Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Mrs Incredible from The Incredibles

Non fictional ESFJs
Harry Truman
Regis Philbin
Anne Hathaway

Whoa, there is so much material here. This might be a 2 parter as well.

ISFJs or Protectors are quite interesting. They are shy and don't quite know how to take new people. But when it comes to birthdays, they will never forget yours! It is said that the safety of the population is the main concern for Protectors, working hard and long hours. They sound like silent heroes, which is nice to hear.

Fictional ISFJs

Dr Watson from Sherlock Holmes
Comissioner Gordon from the Dark Night Trilogy
Barristan Selmy from. The Game of Thrones

Non fictional ISFJs

Mother Teresa
Anthony Hopkins
Kate Middleton

Now we move onto Artisans.

'At that sound the bent shape of the king sprang suddenly erect. Tall and proud he seemed again; and rising in his stirrups he cried in a loud voice, more clear than any there had ever heard a mortal man achieve before.'
The Lord of the Rings

ARTISANS are physical people on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. These people look for freedom, wildness and exuberance.  They are set in their speech and believe that things are better off useful and practical rather than how it looks, for it to be utilitarian if you will. However at times they can express themselves with looks or sexuality. Some Artisans think quickly, whereas others prefer to think deeply. You won't see an Artisan parent keeping a constant eye on their child, they prefer their kids to explore and enjoy the world for what it is.

Alright the art ball is rolling lets get it going!

ESTPs or Promoters are great improvisers who have used this skill to convince others to do things their way, lucky bastards. These people take tremendous risks and can sometimes be the epitome of-(what is the saying?) live life to the fullest!. These people are confident, charming and popular, knowing a never ending supply of jokes, stories and monologues.

Fictional ESTPs

Bender from Futurama
Bowser from Super Mario Brothers
Roz Doyle from Frasier

Non fictional ESTPs

Winston Churchill
Al Capone

Jack Nicholson
Helen Mirren

 It looks like we are building up to something here.

ISTPs or Crafters (see what I did there?) are seen as people who are masters of how things like machines, tools and equipment work. They may keep to themselves, being quiet, less social, but this is only because they tend to communicate through action.

Fictional ISTPs

Robert Muldoon from Jurassic Park (clever girl)
Dinobot from Beast Wars (put in for his honor!)
Robin Scherbatsky from How I Met your Mother.

Non fictional ISTPs

Steve jobs
Dalai Lama

Clint Eastwood
Scarlette Johansson

Okay second last one because of the sheer number of people you and I are going through.

ESFPs are Performers! People who live in the moment showing the world their humour. They usual have great skills when performing, whether it be acting, music or comedy. They are team players and they love their creature comforts.

Fictional ESFPs

Goku from dragon ball z
Penny from Big Bang Theory
Joey from Friends

Non fictional ESFPs

Richard Branson
Cameron Diaz
Ringo Star

Lastly for this week we have some musical entertainment. Don't you just love the music these words are making in your head? No? Okay then.

ISFPs are known as Composers. These easy-going Artisans who love the "live and let live" approach to life. They live in the moment and are just as impulsive as the other Artisans. They put a frighteningly tremendous amount of time into their work. They find that they lose their track of time losing time due to all the effort they put into their task.

Fictional ISFPs

The Dude from The Big Lebowski
Pumbar from The Lion King
Rory Williams from Doctor Who

Non fictional ISFPs

Joern Utzon the architect of the Sydney Opera House

Wolfgang Mozart
Bob Dylan
Audrey Hepburn

Ah so there we have it, a summary of 1 half of the personality types. I swear the next one will be the last one as I still have to cover Idealists and Rationalists. I am sure you would like me to get back to making fun of how some people look just like their pets or what the hell is clubbing. I assure you there is just one more week of this and who knows you may know something more about yourself.

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