Monday 2 December 2013

Myers Briggs Personalities Part 4

Hey bloggers welcome to the blog that if you rearrange the words of the title, it spells out  tgomhebkmltoy.

How has my past week been? It's been extraordinarily alright. I worked, I met up with a friend who returned from a vacation and I found out the thrilling twist in Novembers' issue of 'Transformers Dark Cybertron'.

Here we are. In the past 3 weeks I have covered more personalities than the schizophrenic guy who catches my train to the city in the morning. The real scary thing is when he puts on a ladies voice and starts whispering behind you. I feel I have covered so much about Myers Briggs that when I talk to people I start seeing 4 letter  type indicators above their heads.

Alas we haven't finished yet! However by the end of today's blog this topic will have sucked my system dry , so the straws aren't necessary. Today I will finally cover the Idealists and the Rationalists.

"Speak no evil of the Lady Galadriel!" said Aragorn sternly. "You know not what you say. There is in her and in this land no evil, unless a man bring it hither himself."
The Lord of the Rings

Now let us stand for 'The Messiah-Hallelujah' chorus. Okay fine don't stand, I won't play the music! You are probably wondering why I am making a musical joke on a site that makes no sounds what so ever. It is because we are in the section of the Idealists! People with this personality type are considered to be spiritual, they yearn for something 'higher'(get the song now?). Their constant in their types is iNtuition and Feeling. Something tells me these people don't cheat! If you are a fictional character who is an Idealist, chances are you batting for the good guys. Their skill set is a diplomatic one, so they are good at being inspirational!

Books down and bums up for the ENFJs because they are Teachers! People with this type indicator are naturally known for their leadership skills and in teaching others valuable lessons. Teachers place others before themselves, some say their greatest strength lies in their belief in their students. They like to keep things structured and scheduled, whether it is social engagements or in honouring other types of commitments.

Fictional ENFJs

Mufasa from lion king
Optimus Prime from Transformers
Rapunzel from Disneys' Tangled ( that was unexpected)

non fictional ENFJs

Pope John Paul II
Martin Luther King Jr
I should also point out, Morgan Freeman and Nelson Mandela share this type too!

Okay with all that social business out of the way let me ask you how you are feeling? Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We are now in the thoughtful side with the INFJs or counsellors. INFJs want to help their fellow man with such things as nurturing their development, guiding them to realising their true potential. Because of their vivid imaginations, they can be seen as the most poetical of all the types.

Fictional INFJs
Obi-wan Kenobi from Star Wars
Mulan from Disney's Mulan
Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons.

Non fictional INFJs

Mahatma Gandhi
Adolf Hitler
Cate Blanchett.

Ever heard of that song by Queens coverband? You know the one  "we are the ENFPs, we are the ENFPs, OF THE WORLD!" With that bad pun out of the way we will now talk about ENFPs or more commonly know as Champions. It has been stated that Champions are a rare part of the population, only taking up 3 or 4%. I guess Freddy Mercury lied to me! Does that mean this isn't the real life? Champions see the world as an epic tale of extraordinary sights, exciting drama and full of possibilities from the enchanting good to the deep, dank evil that lurks behind certain situations. Being fierce in their individualism, they try to strive for authenticity, telling fantastic stories of epic journeys and intrepid adventures! Okay I will admit I had fun using my vocabulary for that one.

Fictional ENFPs

Marty McFly from Back to the Future
Genie from Aladdin
Ned Flanders from The Simpsons

Non-fictional ENFPs

Oscar Wilde
Walt Disney
Robin Williams
Sandra Bullock

Lastly on the idealist route we come to pealers. Pealers are those that love potat- wait a second, oh HEALERS. INFPs or healers are considered to be calm and serene. However they may appear to be shy or distant to others. That is their outside persona. On the inside they have a great capacity for personal caring that is deeper than any other personality type. They may have had a fantasy filled childhood, but due to the constricting nature of today's social expectations, it was frowned upon. Thus giving up the mystically fantastic illusion of fantasy. They have a strong sense of what is right and wrong. Lastly, they are adaptable when it comes to the workforce, using their heart instead of their head when it comes to decisions.

Fictional INFPs

Vash the Stampede from Trigun
Amy Pond from Doctor Who
Frodo from Lord of the Rings

Non-fictional INFPs

George Orwell
J.K Rowling
William Shakespeare
Jim Morrison

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."
The Lord of the Rings

Rationalists! Hmm you know, I had a joke for this, but the people from the depression took it from me. The Rationalists are mental people (no not crazy, but people who think mentally). Their hunger for knowledge is indescribable. If I were to go into detail on how these people thrive on knowledge, the horizons would be limitless and never quite do justice to their inquisitiveness. These types of people are problem solvers, trusting logic they seek knowledge and make reasonable team mates.

So first off the block, making their rational debut are the ENTJs, or Fieldmarshals for short. Wow, 2 percent of the population? You guys are rarer than the second last dodo being placed in a minefield. ENTJs are known not just for their structural and functional engineering but also their contingency plans. They have a strong urge to give structure and direction wherever they may be.

Fictional ENTJs

Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z
Megatron from Transformers
Frodo from Lord of the Rings

Non-fictional ENTJs

Bill Gates
David Letterman
Cobie Smulders

Okay everyone, repeat after me. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay now that we have that out of our system, onto the MASTERMINDS or INTJs. If I could  name a part of the body to describe INTJs, it would be the head, and maybe the shoulders. The masterminds, oh I'm sorry the MASTERMINDS never plan their first step without figuring out their final step. If not that, they will also have a plan B, C or even D if plan A fails. It is said that people with Asperger's may be INTJs. They are introverted, they see patterns in things, are more thinking than feeling and need structure in their plans. Just remember this isn't always the case. I for instance am an ESFJ, which is almost opposite to that of a Mastermind. Each Aspie mustbe taken on his or her own merit. Every individual is different and we Aspies are no different. 

Fictional INTJs

Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons
Smaug from The Hobbit
Starscream from Transformers

Non Fictional INTJs

James Cameron
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jodie Foster

Time to get those thinking caps on and start doing your best Dr Farnsworth impression, GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! The next item is inventors or ENTPs. Inventors start building little gadgets or mechanisms from an early age. You could say they are always looking for a way to make things easier for everyone. Because of their enjoyment in this field, they are always bringing fresh and new ideas of approaching work to all walks of life. It could be through work, play or learning.

Fictional ENTPs

Tony Stark from Iron Man
Bugs Bunny
Indiana Jones

Non fictional ENTPs

John Cleese
Rowan Atkinson
Tom Hanks

Okay final one, after I'm done I am going to take a scotch, drown that in more scotch and feed it to some bees to see what they do! Now we come to the final one. Here it is, the big one  and it is INTERMISSION



our final item is ARCHITECTS or INTPs. Architects are master designers, people who can design an opera house, a product or a logo all in the space of their heads. Holy moly these must be the rarest of the rare, only taking up nearly one percent of the population. Our world is seen by INTPs as an art board, being able to see everything and how they would redesign it themselves. Everything must be analysed, understood and explained.

Fictional INTPs

Gandalf from Lord of the Rings
Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Scar from The Lion King

Non Fictional INTPs

Albert Einstein
Tina Fey
Charles Darwin

So here we have it, all of the Myers Briggs Personalities. I promise you next week things will return to normal. I hope that you guys have a good week!

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