Tuesday 12 November 2013

Myers Briggs and Aspie ways

Hey everyone welcome to the site located in your own favourite lounge room.

So that was one hell of a couple of weeks, I didn't think I could get so much into music and emotions. I wonder if rap means emotional constipation!

Speaking of having a hard time getting it out, my week has been so busy I could have put an bee to shame! I went to see Alan Partridge Alpha Papa, it was fantastic! I give it 9 out of 10 doubloons! I had challenges at my new job that really tested my Aspie wirings but after a shooting some strings and entering some data entrees and I was on top of it like a lion on a gazelle. Lastly I put together my next big speech! This is for the Psych DD conference where I will be the opening act. So I apologise if this blog isn't as funny and perculiar as my other ones.

Has anyone here heard of the Myers Briggs personality test? Yes? No? Maybe? Ask again later? Oh okay then. Well for those who don't know the Myers Briggs type indicator assessment is a psychological survey that is designed to show how someone looks at happenings and the world around them and these influence the persons decisions. A man by the name of Carl Gustav Jung wrote a book about it. In it he stated the four principal psychological functions that govern people in decision making are sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking. People have one of these four functions as a dominant most of the time.

Gee you can imagine Myers Briggs and Carl Jung having a field day on Facebook. They would be deciphering the extraverted sensing feeling percieving people from introverted intuitive Thinking Judging people. Writers use this personality test to create characters in their novels. Yet this test can help people in every day life discover more about themselves. Even though this indicator is mainly applied to fictional characters, the same characteristics can be pointed out in people through everyday life.

I will go through the first two sections this week, followed by the last two next week. So what's on tonights menu? 

Extraverts / sensing and intuition.

Introverts / sensing and intuition.

So let's start off with the well known extroverts and introverts! This odd couple is older than Jack Lemon and Walter Mathau. Extroverts decisions are more "action" orientated where as introverts decisions are more "thought" orientated. Take for example a Saturday night. An extravert may prefer going out to a party. An introvert would rather spend his or her time at home watching a movie or reading a book. Extroverts prefer to seek "breadth" of knowledge and influence. On the other hand introverts seek "depth of knowledge and influence. Take for example an assignment. The extroverts may want to know more about what needs to be done but introverts want to know why they are doing it and what is the best way of achieving  a certain assignment. Extroverts want to be the life of the party! They love a lot of social communication! Introverts aren't as enthusiastic with the idea. However, they do prefer communication on a one to one level. I'm brought back to my favourite comic 'More than Meets The Eye'. Swerve is an eccentric extraverted bot who loves to be a part of the crowd. Tailgate on the other hand is quiet and prefers to communicate one on one with his friend Cyclonus. They say that extraverts recharge and get their energy hanging out with their friends and family whilst introverts recharge and get their energy from spending time alone. Personally I feel that after a large amount of time interacting with many people I feel that I need to spend time at home recharging. That way I can take on the next social expedition with my eager stamina that is match to no other!

So where does this apply to someone with Asperger's? Well, Popular belief is that us Aspies all hate social interaction and we all want to sit in a quiet room and read books. Whoever has those kinds of thoughts has already framed a certain type of people into one restricted category, which is wrong. Aspies come in all introvert, extravert, sensing and intuitive forms. I know us Aspies are probably more introverted but unfortunately I am the extraverted oddball. With our condition we may come off a bit extreme in certain cases where we don't like multitasking and instructions have to be clear, concise and unambiguous. Hell I know many people who say they had no idea how to take me when they first met me. To which I said, take two pokemon with a glass of water and see me in the morning.

Next we move onto sensing and intuition

So what is sensing? It's paying attention to physical reality. Everyone knows what senses we have, sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, 20, 50, 10 and 5 cents. Whoops I was counting the change in my wallet. Not only that, sensing is also about what is actual, present and real. When it comes to most things it's all about the small details rather than the general aspect of  what it is. A great way to see if you are more of a sensing person is by seeing what you like to do with your time. If you prefer cooking, gardening or playing musical instruments, chances are you're more of a sensing guy! If you like running into brick walls, lying on a bed of nails or walking on hot coals then there is no sense in you at all. Though these things can be played out in an intuitive way though. But most of all, it's mainly about experience rather than the theoretical side.

So, what can I say about Intuition. People who are more intuitive, pay more attention to impressions or the meaning and  patterns of the information they receive  They want to work a problem through. They are more interested in something new and how many possible ways there are of reaching a solution. These people are more likely to use symbols or abstract theories. When it's comes to events or gatherings they will remember the general event rather than details of what went on.

Now how does is apply to the mind of an Aspie? To explain is I will have to pay homage to Temple Grandin. She said at the 'Pathways to Employment' seminar in Sydney that some Aspies learn through pictures, seeing things happen. She went on to talk about how some people needed everything written down and there was a third one but I can't recall. The thing we need to be aware of though is that Aspies can utilise these processes in a better manner than others. Temple  also mentions how aspies or autistics have a tendency to think in pictures. This trait is seen as sensing. The reason why we see situations in pictures is because a picture says a thousand words and we generally find a solution quicker than reading a text book. In my opinion us Aspies are more sensitive due to the lack of tolerance and understanding people show us. This also is probably the reason why a lot of us are introverts. 

So there we have the first part of the Myers Briggs blog! Man if Peter Jackson decided to turn this three parter into a movie series it would be in 6 separate 3 hour long films. Anyway I hope your week is a grande one and look forward to seeing all of you next Monday!

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