Tuesday 3 September 2013

I JUST DON'T GET IT! episode 1!


Hi folks, I am Thomas, I'm a 22 year old graphic designer, motion graphics artist and an advocate for Asperger's syndrome and autism. I have done talks at all kinds of places, I have written an article for the Daily Telegraph and been interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald, I have also been on ABC National Radio twice and am a Future Youth Leader. As a creative writer and an exquisite speech writer, I thought it was high time I started a blog. So this means either a hand out of the grave of anonymity, or a nail into my coffin!

So what is my blog about?

 Well as an aspie, there are some things in this world I just don't get, so I decided that's what I am going to write about! Not only that, I will write about things I have learned through the week. You may call it a seven day life story, but this little baby is my creation. Finally I will try to do a small bit of art every week and you can be e better judge of which creation you like better.

So, you know what I just don't get?

People work their bone to their fingers every day to earn enough money to buy a house and what do you get? A sizeable chore that has to be done nearly every week! Mow the lawn, trim the hedges, sweep the path, dust the cobwebs, get the bird shit off the window ( thank god cows don't fly) etc., etc. Now I like the way grass feels, it's nice to lie down on, but when you are spending a hundred bucks on a bed of roses which can become a trip hazard, making sure your tulip bushes are at exactly 42 degrees so then it catches the most sunlight and which flowers blossom in the right seasons, you start sounding like you are 2 flowers short of a dozen!

Now I understand people planting veggies or fruit trees. I quite like the look of a Zen garden, but I just can't grasp the concept of normal gardens! Maybe that's it, as a fan of things that are abnormal I might not appreciate the normal things.  So gardeneers I guess it is to each to their own, but I assure you, I won't be picking up leaves and sticks just because you want someone to do your dirty work!

What I learnt this week!

I am quite good at table tennis, or ping pong. I didn't  realise there was a difference.

This week we scabbed a ping pong table off the side of the road. it had wonky wheels and wobbly legs but with a little imagination and allot of spare wood lying around we set it up just outside our yard. We started playing and we quickly found out how bad my older brother was. I wasn't that great to start off with either, but as the weekend progressed my skills increased! Unfortunately it's also hard playing on grass, we were slipping every time we we tried to get to the ball. So I with my velcro soled shoes managed to stay upright, and boy it was good  hitting those balls with the paddle. Sure I am on the lower end of the learning curve but this is one sport I will try to get better at!

So we come to the end of episode one. Remember guys,  when lifting heavy objects always remember to say HOOOAAHHHH!


  1. Ha ha Tommy K! As a Master Gardner (certified and everything) I would have to tell you that I am always at my happiest when my hands are in the dirt. So yardwork is really yardplay to me. Great new blog, I'm proud of you!

  2. oh I feel bad now! well I am glad to see that you enjoy gardening, and I look forward to your next comment!
