Monday 16 September 2013

I JUST DON'T GET IT, Episode 2

Hey guys, how have we been? Good? Bad? Oh that's nice! Go on! Well I don't believe it! that's whatever you are talking about to ya!

So this week has been busy! I have been doing artistry, fighting aliens and everything in between.

You know what I just don't get? Reality TV.

There are thousands of creative minds in the world let alone Australia. Yet all I get to watch when it comes to 'QUALITY TV' is women competing against each other for the love of one man, like seagulls for one tasty chip. MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE. Thats just on one channel. On another we see a bunch of bogans sitting around pretending to make serious conversation about things that are irrelevant and making themselves look intelligent (but we know different!). It must be really important to be so self obsessed. If they really wanted to live 'reality', they should be living life. Now don't get me wrong, I support those who are trying to lose weight, or better themselves. Yet here we are watching crying fat people trying to get skinny whilst  being subjugated for big corporation profits; while being harassed to lose incredible amounts of weight in short periods of time. Now I am a man who stands for emotional integrity, but what's next? Will they get pregnant supermodels to compete in gladiatorial combat, first one to throw a dirty nappy in another ones face wins! Thumbs up thumbs down!

Back 5 years ago we had fantastic intellectual programs. For instance there was one show about lawyers in Boston fighting for justice. They would talk about such topics as gay marriage, abortion and stem cell research, matters that have an impact in today's world! Instead we have such pressing matters as watching 'chicks' talking about why some famous singer was dancing around looking like an uncooked chicken or why one 'bro' can't lift a keg then drink it's contents in under a minute flat! I mean for Gods sake! Why is there such a demand for idiotic television entertainment? Why Can't we get more program's like The Newsroom, Boston Legal or Becker? If only everyone could think like an Aspie. At least America has good programs. Over here I can't  watch one minute of reality TV without crying more for humanity than i did when Mufasa died in The Lion King. Just a second, I have just realised something, its my parents who watch half these programs! Thank God my father doesn't make me  listen to country music. Then not only my eyes but my ears would be crying blood!

I guess that's where the name 'idiot box' comes from. It's a shame really, because TV did and has so much to offer the world. Not only documentaries and news items but programs over the years that have made people think, laugh and cry.

Look, I'm not saying you shouldn't watch reality TV. I'm not the one to say what you should or shouldn't watch. However, what I am saying is I am sick and tired of all these programs catering to those who like reality TV and barely any to those who want a little bit more creativity in entertainment. I'm not saying we have to be all pretentious and 'proper' like certain shows about olden days but that we need more diversity in our viewing entertainment, something more appealing to people who value meaningful communication with each other be it funny or serious. Maybe it's just a plea for Australia to just stop having such lousy television programs. If you feel differently, leave a comment below.

So what did I learn this week?

This week I learnt that timing is such a fickle thing. All through this week everyone I know has had a mishap with timing! My transformers comics didn't arrive due to bad timing of Australia Post. My dad telling me to leave my mentor and leg it down to the fish markets. Yet only half an hour later I was still waiting to get on my uncle's yacht. I guess it's a matter of perspective, we expect to get our just desserts at midday. Unfortunately time deems it unwise so fate pushes my apple pie back several hours. It is unfair I know! I want my dessert now! Sadly I just have to deal with it.

So that brings us to he end of another week of blogging, and folks remember, if you want a plant or a flower, grow it yourself, don't steal it like my grandma.

This weeks movie of the week is The Terminal.


  1. seagulls for one tasty chip...

    Love that, keep,writing!

    1. hey Maripat! thanks for the coment! I just posted my next blog! check it out, its on mentors! look forward to your next comment!
