Monday 30 September 2013


Hey folks, here we are again, another week, another blog.  It is time for another instalment of I JUST DONT GET IT! Don't get it mixed up with the computer blog I JUST DONT GET I.T. Get it?

So you know what I just don't get? Bullies and the fact they are everywhere. What makes them think it's okay to make fun of those who are different? If they feel they are so perfect then why do they have a need to be noticed by putting someone else down? It's completely idiotic!

Yes, I have been bullied. Yet this isn't about me or complaining about my past or how I was mistreated in high school. I feel a large part of our population(growing and grown up) are brainwashed by the idiocies of reality TV and the materialism served up by the media that makes them think its okay to be stupid, drunk shallow minded. I think this has a large part to play in today's society thinking its the norm to poke fun at those who are unique and different. 

Let's not just talk about bullying but it's twisted sister called gossip. Why do people think it's okay to talk behind peoples backs. Twisting the truth to suit their own devious means. Don't you think the world would be a nicer place if we had something to say, to say it to that person rather than behind their back?

I'm not saying we need to create a dystopian society where we live by a ridged set of rules and everybody should have the same beliefs and views. In my funny kind of way I guess I would just like to see people celebrating the differences we all have so then it is a better pathway to a more fulfilled life. If we stopped thinking about what makes us different and accepted people for what they are, well then who knows, maybe life on planet earth would not be about bullying and gossiping.

The unfortunate thing about today is that bullies and gossipers cause people to be anxious, lower their values, forget who they are and all of a sudden the demon depression comes into their world. If it weren't for bullying I wouldn't have known I had Asperger's. If I hadn't know about my condition I wouldn't have been on the path which lead me to mentoring kids today. That's one way of putting it. Another way is that bulling has left me in a pit fighting the demon depression. I also feel I am in a frozen cage of anxiety where I can't get a job and I have trouble keeping friendships because I am always second guessing. So what am I saying? Am I saying that bullying is a good thing? HELL NO! I am saying that we must be grateful for the experiences that help shape us into the people we are today. Don't avoid the challenges that face you because of bullies and gossipers. Walk through them on your path of life, slowly they will vanish over the distant horizons and you will be a better person in the future.

My life has been very busy this week, I have been up and down like a one legged ass kicker, but I hope through accepting the dissapointments people have given me I will come out a stronger and better person.

Till next week, more the force be with you!

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