Wednesday 11 December 2013

Aspergers and Depression

Hey guys, welcome back to blog that comes to you exclusively from the Internet.

I hope you all have been doing well over the past week. I have had my own fair share of adventures. I saw the new hunger games movie, which was enjoyable. Sadly there were 4 girls behind me and my friend that wouldn’t shut up or stop munching loudy on food during the film. I have a feeling they don’t understand the meaning of ‘hunger’ games.

On Sunday I was at the annual TROPFEST festival. I hung out with my friends, ate junk food and watched  the best 16 short films from people around Australia that incorporate the TSI (Tropfest Signature Item)! This years theme was 'Change'. My favourite film was 'Makeover', it was about an old man who changes his appearance very drastically in order to go on a date with an attractive young woman! It was a fun time had by all and the movies where a mixture of comedy, horror, drama and thriller.

Okay now that we have finished the intrepid story of my week, and last week we finished the incredible 4 parter on Myers Briggs, lets get back to Aspergers Syndrome.

A major issue in todays society that I feel doesn't get enough attention is depression. It isn't an exclusive state to just Aspies but the general populace where age doesn't matter. The chances of knowing someone suffering with this condition are more common than people realise. The trouble is that we are all wound up in our own world and what is happening around us that we don't realise when someone close to us has this condition. Empathy seems to come into play when we have the time and energy to lend someone an ear or shoulder to cry on.  I have been through the depths of depression and it is horrible. Yet what separates Neuro-Typicals (the normal ones) with depression from the people with High Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome?

I have to say, working on this post has been an emotional exercise for me. When typing this blog it brought back a lot of the black moments in my past. These included the lack of understanding towards me and my condition, failed relationships (i.e. all of them), bullying and the fact that as humorous as I am, it doesn’t take much to break me down when being joked about.

If you read  my posts on Myers Briggs, you will find that people with ASD or Aspergers are much more on the thinking side rather than on the feeling side. But what happens when a person on the spectrum suffers from a  mental condition that disrupts the flow of things, it’s a paradox that would confuse a skunk with a perfume addiction.

Tests have shown that 1 in 15 people on the spectrum suffer from depression. It has been stated that this is due to the fact they become more aware with who they are to be, with this disability. Being different to their family and friends and the inability to have a relationship or to understand social paradigms can all be a cause to one becoming depressed.

There are other factors to consider such as being bullied in the past or any other form of abuse or trauma. From my personal experience I have tried to suppress or ignore those past painful experiences. When you are a victim it is very hard to talk to someone as you feel you are less than the person you should be. Depending on the advice or comfort you receive it can be either a step forward or a further plunge into depression. Something I also noticed if I dwelt on the bad things for a long time the harder it was to dig my way out of depression. 

So what are some of the traits that are common with those on the spectrum who are suffering from depression.

Many Aspies are known for their obsessive thoughts and their interests; whether it be a movie, collectibles or anything else really. Now when Aspies are depressed they start questioning these things. Obsessions that would bring pleasure to them now have no meaning. You start to ask yourself, “Why am I collecting this? Its just a piece of plastic”. “ What’s the point of this film? It's just the same thing over and over again like every other film” or “ Why am I reading this book? I will never meet these fictional characters”.  It has been said that this is very similar to a ‘masking’ effect. Without the person knowing due to their autistic natures, depression starts burrowing into their thoughts to the point where it almost takes over their souls. 

Lets go back to what causes the depression. I mentioned the fact that feeling  different to their friends and family can be one of the initial steps to making them feel depressed. How can you tell someone you love that you are different when they reply, "No you are not it is just a phase you are going through". They don’t understand everything that goes on in normal every day life and conversation of an Aspie. They have a different perspective and understanding of what is personal space, eye contact and conversation flow.  I always say that changing high schools was like landing on an unknown planet. Apparently I’m not the only one! So many people on the spectrum feel like they are an alien with a human mask on.

Lastly we come to Repetitive and Obsessive thoughts. Normally thoughts are not just black and white, there is always shades of grey (up to 50). However, to a person who is depressed the thoughts become more black than white. Not only that, the thoughts are on an never ending loop, dark thoughts spin into darker thoughts and that’s never a good sign. We must realise that we need someone to talk to and it is not just to offload our problems but to have some kind of reassurance that things will get better. There are many professional people out there who are willing to help out, such as Beyond Blue, Kids Hotline and Lifeline.

So what can be done to combat against this evil emotional menace? Well, I would have to say the thing that needs to be done in order to learn about overcoming  depression with someone on the spectrum is by tuning in next week to finding out in Part 2 of Aspergers and Depression

Well folks its time for me to head off, I hope you have a lovely week and an even lovelier weekend!

Monday 2 December 2013

Myers Briggs Personalities Part 4

Hey bloggers welcome to the blog that if you rearrange the words of the title, it spells out  tgomhebkmltoy.

How has my past week been? It's been extraordinarily alright. I worked, I met up with a friend who returned from a vacation and I found out the thrilling twist in Novembers' issue of 'Transformers Dark Cybertron'.

Here we are. In the past 3 weeks I have covered more personalities than the schizophrenic guy who catches my train to the city in the morning. The real scary thing is when he puts on a ladies voice and starts whispering behind you. I feel I have covered so much about Myers Briggs that when I talk to people I start seeing 4 letter  type indicators above their heads.

Alas we haven't finished yet! However by the end of today's blog this topic will have sucked my system dry , so the straws aren't necessary. Today I will finally cover the Idealists and the Rationalists.

"Speak no evil of the Lady Galadriel!" said Aragorn sternly. "You know not what you say. There is in her and in this land no evil, unless a man bring it hither himself."
The Lord of the Rings

Now let us stand for 'The Messiah-Hallelujah' chorus. Okay fine don't stand, I won't play the music! You are probably wondering why I am making a musical joke on a site that makes no sounds what so ever. It is because we are in the section of the Idealists! People with this personality type are considered to be spiritual, they yearn for something 'higher'(get the song now?). Their constant in their types is iNtuition and Feeling. Something tells me these people don't cheat! If you are a fictional character who is an Idealist, chances are you batting for the good guys. Their skill set is a diplomatic one, so they are good at being inspirational!

Books down and bums up for the ENFJs because they are Teachers! People with this type indicator are naturally known for their leadership skills and in teaching others valuable lessons. Teachers place others before themselves, some say their greatest strength lies in their belief in their students. They like to keep things structured and scheduled, whether it is social engagements or in honouring other types of commitments.

Fictional ENFJs

Mufasa from lion king
Optimus Prime from Transformers
Rapunzel from Disneys' Tangled ( that was unexpected)

non fictional ENFJs

Pope John Paul II
Martin Luther King Jr
I should also point out, Morgan Freeman and Nelson Mandela share this type too!

Okay with all that social business out of the way let me ask you how you are feeling? Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We are now in the thoughtful side with the INFJs or counsellors. INFJs want to help their fellow man with such things as nurturing their development, guiding them to realising their true potential. Because of their vivid imaginations, they can be seen as the most poetical of all the types.

Fictional INFJs
Obi-wan Kenobi from Star Wars
Mulan from Disney's Mulan
Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons.

Non fictional INFJs

Mahatma Gandhi
Adolf Hitler
Cate Blanchett.

Ever heard of that song by Queens coverband? You know the one  "we are the ENFPs, we are the ENFPs, OF THE WORLD!" With that bad pun out of the way we will now talk about ENFPs or more commonly know as Champions. It has been stated that Champions are a rare part of the population, only taking up 3 or 4%. I guess Freddy Mercury lied to me! Does that mean this isn't the real life? Champions see the world as an epic tale of extraordinary sights, exciting drama and full of possibilities from the enchanting good to the deep, dank evil that lurks behind certain situations. Being fierce in their individualism, they try to strive for authenticity, telling fantastic stories of epic journeys and intrepid adventures! Okay I will admit I had fun using my vocabulary for that one.

Fictional ENFPs

Marty McFly from Back to the Future
Genie from Aladdin
Ned Flanders from The Simpsons

Non-fictional ENFPs

Oscar Wilde
Walt Disney
Robin Williams
Sandra Bullock

Lastly on the idealist route we come to pealers. Pealers are those that love potat- wait a second, oh HEALERS. INFPs or healers are considered to be calm and serene. However they may appear to be shy or distant to others. That is their outside persona. On the inside they have a great capacity for personal caring that is deeper than any other personality type. They may have had a fantasy filled childhood, but due to the constricting nature of today's social expectations, it was frowned upon. Thus giving up the mystically fantastic illusion of fantasy. They have a strong sense of what is right and wrong. Lastly, they are adaptable when it comes to the workforce, using their heart instead of their head when it comes to decisions.

Fictional INFPs

Vash the Stampede from Trigun
Amy Pond from Doctor Who
Frodo from Lord of the Rings

Non-fictional INFPs

George Orwell
J.K Rowling
William Shakespeare
Jim Morrison

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."
The Lord of the Rings

Rationalists! Hmm you know, I had a joke for this, but the people from the depression took it from me. The Rationalists are mental people (no not crazy, but people who think mentally). Their hunger for knowledge is indescribable. If I were to go into detail on how these people thrive on knowledge, the horizons would be limitless and never quite do justice to their inquisitiveness. These types of people are problem solvers, trusting logic they seek knowledge and make reasonable team mates.

So first off the block, making their rational debut are the ENTJs, or Fieldmarshals for short. Wow, 2 percent of the population? You guys are rarer than the second last dodo being placed in a minefield. ENTJs are known not just for their structural and functional engineering but also their contingency plans. They have a strong urge to give structure and direction wherever they may be.

Fictional ENTJs

Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z
Megatron from Transformers
Frodo from Lord of the Rings

Non-fictional ENTJs

Bill Gates
David Letterman
Cobie Smulders

Okay everyone, repeat after me. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay now that we have that out of our system, onto the MASTERMINDS or INTJs. If I could  name a part of the body to describe INTJs, it would be the head, and maybe the shoulders. The masterminds, oh I'm sorry the MASTERMINDS never plan their first step without figuring out their final step. If not that, they will also have a plan B, C or even D if plan A fails. It is said that people with Asperger's may be INTJs. They are introverted, they see patterns in things, are more thinking than feeling and need structure in their plans. Just remember this isn't always the case. I for instance am an ESFJ, which is almost opposite to that of a Mastermind. Each Aspie mustbe taken on his or her own merit. Every individual is different and we Aspies are no different. 

Fictional INTJs

Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons
Smaug from The Hobbit
Starscream from Transformers

Non Fictional INTJs

James Cameron
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jodie Foster

Time to get those thinking caps on and start doing your best Dr Farnsworth impression, GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! The next item is inventors or ENTPs. Inventors start building little gadgets or mechanisms from an early age. You could say they are always looking for a way to make things easier for everyone. Because of their enjoyment in this field, they are always bringing fresh and new ideas of approaching work to all walks of life. It could be through work, play or learning.

Fictional ENTPs

Tony Stark from Iron Man
Bugs Bunny
Indiana Jones

Non fictional ENTPs

John Cleese
Rowan Atkinson
Tom Hanks

Okay final one, after I'm done I am going to take a scotch, drown that in more scotch and feed it to some bees to see what they do! Now we come to the final one. Here it is, the big one  and it is INTERMISSION



our final item is ARCHITECTS or INTPs. Architects are master designers, people who can design an opera house, a product or a logo all in the space of their heads. Holy moly these must be the rarest of the rare, only taking up nearly one percent of the population. Our world is seen by INTPs as an art board, being able to see everything and how they would redesign it themselves. Everything must be analysed, understood and explained.

Fictional INTPs

Gandalf from Lord of the Rings
Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Scar from The Lion King

Non Fictional INTPs

Albert Einstein
Tina Fey
Charles Darwin

So here we have it, all of the Myers Briggs Personalities. I promise you next week things will return to normal. I hope that you guys have a good week!

Monday 25 November 2013

Myers Briggs Part 2 Personalities Part 1

Hi diddly ho bloggerinos! Welcome back to the blog that has a secret magazine fetish.

I am sure many of you have had a frighteningly excitable week, I know I have had one hell of a week! Monday brought me to the western Sydney institute of Tafe where I mentored Aspies  on what it is like to be living with the condition. We talked about things like Pokemon and Minecraft. Tuesday brought work, where I created various graphic design projects. Wednesday had nothing to do so I sat and relaxed like a sloth on sleeping pills. Thursday I continued working, finishing up some projects I had for the guys at '2discover'. Friday was the big one! I went to Bicentennial Park to deliver a speech to a good 70-100 people! Some of the best people in the field of psychology laughed and cried at my spellbound speech. What male could refuse a DD conference?

I should also point out I caught up with with my best friend Kevin! He lives in Perth so we have a long distance brolationship. We sung, we drank and let the good times roll, for it had been 2 years since the last time we saw each other. Kevin, next time you have to be here for another week!

Who saw the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who? Wasn't it amazing? For those who hadn't seen the episode here's what happened,  ________ was under ________ by the _______, so __________ used __________ to ____________ __________ ______ and now ______, _________ and ____________ have to ____ what happened.

Okay let's get on with the show. If you read the past two blogs, you will know what goes into each of the Myers Briggs types. If you hadn't, stop reading this and go back to those blogs NOW! The time has come to learn who we are and which fictional/ non fictional people we are most likely to be. I need to put a disclaimer up first. Just remember that some characters are completely unlike others. So If you are relatable to Darth Vader, it doesn't mean you set up an empire and kill Jedi, your schwartz is not that big. This also means that just because one characters intelligence is high or low doesn't mean you are smart or stupid. Also some of the definitions I use are tropes from the popular website called tv tropes.

Let's start off with the Guardians!

'Many evil things there are that your strong walls and bright swords do not stay. You know little of the lands beyond your bounds. Peace and freedom, do you say? The North would have known them little but for us.' ~ Lord of the Rings.

GUARDIANS are considered to be social people. They look for stability in their lives. In their arsenal of skills, their strongest skill would have to be in the field of organisation or logistics. In writing there are a wide range of would-be Guardians, from 'Patriarchs' to 'Badass Bureaucarats' and 'Scroungers'. However some of these roles are fit for Artisans. Guardians have a strong sense of duty. When it comes to friends they're preoccupied with maintaining order in the group.

So who are the different types of guardians?

ESTJs, also know as supervisors (no not people who have eyes of super vision) are unbelievably hard working individuals who are highly social and community minded. These people are very practical and make good administrators. It has been said that supervisors approach relationships in a more traditional way. Lastly Supervisors are known to have an eye for detail, so no half-arsedness when it comes to projects with ESTJs!

Fictional ESTJs
Princess Leia from Star Wars
Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc
Joe Swanson from Family Guy

Non fictional ESTJs
Martha Stewart
Tom Clancy
Henry Ford

ISTJ are the Inspectors, I hope they aren't going through this blog for typos! These people are orderly, wanting to work with facts. They are dutiful, working to their loyalty in traditions. In fiction, they appear as the stoic however you don't want to see them at their worst, where they become the Knight Templar. Even though they are introverted, they still appear sociable.

Fictional ISTJs

Martin Crane from Frasier
Alexis Castle from Castle
Principal Skinner from The Simpsons

Non fictional ISTJs

George Washington
Sean Connery
Natalie Portman

ESFJs, or Providers are- wait a second (do I hear a drum roll?) Hey look! We are up to me! What can I say about my personality type? Well we have been known to stand out when others are in order. We are loyal to a belief system based around our environment rather than an internal belief system. They are great when it comes to team work. So make sure you have a Provider on your team!

Fictional ESFJs

Donald Duck
Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Mrs Incredible from The Incredibles

Non fictional ESFJs
Harry Truman
Regis Philbin
Anne Hathaway

Whoa, there is so much material here. This might be a 2 parter as well.

ISFJs or Protectors are quite interesting. They are shy and don't quite know how to take new people. But when it comes to birthdays, they will never forget yours! It is said that the safety of the population is the main concern for Protectors, working hard and long hours. They sound like silent heroes, which is nice to hear.

Fictional ISFJs

Dr Watson from Sherlock Holmes
Comissioner Gordon from the Dark Night Trilogy
Barristan Selmy from. The Game of Thrones

Non fictional ISFJs

Mother Teresa
Anthony Hopkins
Kate Middleton

Now we move onto Artisans.

'At that sound the bent shape of the king sprang suddenly erect. Tall and proud he seemed again; and rising in his stirrups he cried in a loud voice, more clear than any there had ever heard a mortal man achieve before.'
The Lord of the Rings

ARTISANS are physical people on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. These people look for freedom, wildness and exuberance.  They are set in their speech and believe that things are better off useful and practical rather than how it looks, for it to be utilitarian if you will. However at times they can express themselves with looks or sexuality. Some Artisans think quickly, whereas others prefer to think deeply. You won't see an Artisan parent keeping a constant eye on their child, they prefer their kids to explore and enjoy the world for what it is.

Alright the art ball is rolling lets get it going!

ESTPs or Promoters are great improvisers who have used this skill to convince others to do things their way, lucky bastards. These people take tremendous risks and can sometimes be the epitome of-(what is the saying?) live life to the fullest!. These people are confident, charming and popular, knowing a never ending supply of jokes, stories and monologues.

Fictional ESTPs

Bender from Futurama
Bowser from Super Mario Brothers
Roz Doyle from Frasier

Non fictional ESTPs

Winston Churchill
Al Capone

Jack Nicholson
Helen Mirren

 It looks like we are building up to something here.

ISTPs or Crafters (see what I did there?) are seen as people who are masters of how things like machines, tools and equipment work. They may keep to themselves, being quiet, less social, but this is only because they tend to communicate through action.

Fictional ISTPs

Robert Muldoon from Jurassic Park (clever girl)
Dinobot from Beast Wars (put in for his honor!)
Robin Scherbatsky from How I Met your Mother.

Non fictional ISTPs

Steve jobs
Dalai Lama

Clint Eastwood
Scarlette Johansson

Okay second last one because of the sheer number of people you and I are going through.

ESFPs are Performers! People who live in the moment showing the world their humour. They usual have great skills when performing, whether it be acting, music or comedy. They are team players and they love their creature comforts.

Fictional ESFPs

Goku from dragon ball z
Penny from Big Bang Theory
Joey from Friends

Non fictional ESFPs

Richard Branson
Cameron Diaz
Ringo Star

Lastly for this week we have some musical entertainment. Don't you just love the music these words are making in your head? No? Okay then.

ISFPs are known as Composers. These easy-going Artisans who love the "live and let live" approach to life. They live in the moment and are just as impulsive as the other Artisans. They put a frighteningly tremendous amount of time into their work. They find that they lose their track of time losing time due to all the effort they put into their task.

Fictional ISFPs

The Dude from The Big Lebowski
Pumbar from The Lion King
Rory Williams from Doctor Who

Non fictional ISFPs

Joern Utzon the architect of the Sydney Opera House

Wolfgang Mozart
Bob Dylan
Audrey Hepburn

Ah so there we have it, a summary of 1 half of the personality types. I swear the next one will be the last one as I still have to cover Idealists and Rationalists. I am sure you would like me to get back to making fun of how some people look just like their pets or what the hell is clubbing. I assure you there is just one more week of this and who knows you may know something more about yourself.

Monday 18 November 2013

Myers Briggs and Aspie ways Part 2

Hey guys, welcome back to the blog that tastes just like cola, C O L A cola!

A lot of things have happened in the world this week. Amongst those was the unfortunate resignation of John Elder Robison from Autism Speaks. John, as my mentor, I hope you and your wife are doing okay and I'll be sending you a letter this week. You are a good man and an inspiration to many, especially to me!

What's happened in the week of Kuzma? I went on an exceptional date! I got a lot of feedback on part 1 of the Myers Briggs post. Finally I showed off what I have been working on to the guys at '2discover'. They loved it all ! Which is great!

So we are onto part 2 of 3 of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator blog! This week we will talk about other half of the types. These include Thinking/ Feeling and Judging/ Perceiving.

Let's start with Thinking, though I am sure you were thinking long before this blog. Penny for your thoughts?

 The people who are more aligned to Thinking rather than Feeling tend to rule their decisions based on logic. When it comes to the battles of the head fighting the heart, the head wins. Why wouldn't it? The thoughts go in your brain, not in your heart! Otherwise your heart would be stuck in the safety shell that is the skull. Nobody wants an achey breaky heart. Chances are if you are a thinker you like to make pro and con lists when making decisions and to be consistent and logical in deciding. I got to say, through all the pop culture stuff I enjoy, the word 'logical' comes off with the least emotional setting. Then again someone who is highly logical will worry a lot less because he/she has already planned ahead. In a zombie apocalypse you may want a thinker because they will more likely take personal matters out of the equation. So whatever you so, don't get bitten!

Now that we have left the cold, logical ways of thinking, let's move to the heart strung, fuzzy wuzzy sunny times of feeling!

So what makes a feeler a feeler? BIG HANDS! Ew, that word just doesn't sound right, let's start that again. What makes someone with feeling different to the thinking person? Well feeling people make their decisions based on their own ethics, morals, principles values. They put their heart before their head. Cause if there is no emotion in something, what's the point? It's all about weighing up what people care about, not just their point of view but others as well. They want to make sure harmony is in order. And lastly in relationships a feeling person will appear caring, warm and tactful. They will have a greater sense of empathy. In the final analysis, if decisions mainly come down to how you are feeling and the emotions of others, then you are the feeling type.

So, let's see where these two fit in to someone with Asperger's Syndrome. The popular concept is that Aspies are very much thinkers and aren't on the feelings side at all. Which can be true in some cases yet false in others. For instance I come up as a feelings type due to the history I have had with bullying and trying to find a girlfriend. It's not that we don't have emotions, we are just unsure on how and when to use them. It is very easy for us to classified by neural typicals as being self centred, rude or not caring. As a result as soon as we are classified by someone, we feel exposed and shut ourselves in.

Onto the final quarter! Judging and percieving!

The judging type of person does not mean that they are judgemental. It means to have things in sequential order. To put things in order, organise events/things in particular way or put a series of events into a certain order. Structure is the key element! Those who fall into the judging category are people who need closure. Judging people feel more at ease once decisions are made, due to rules being set in stone. Now where's my chisel!?

Perceiving people are more spontaneous in life, flexible with their actions and plans. This means they can keep their options open and think randomly. These people can be spontaneous, no not spontaneously combusting, otherwise there would be a lot of heated arguments! Percievers are open to new experiences like trying a new food, adventure or songs that might make others want to hurl. I'm looking at you Miley Cyrus!

So, what are people on the Autistic Spectrum more likely to be? In this case, I believe they would prefer to be Judging. The structure, sequencing and order is something that Aspies need to help them function. We tend to be collectors, at times it is not just enough to have a complete set of what we desire but it must be in the correct order as well. To Neural Typicals this might be trivial, but to us it is essential so that we can sleep at night. Our sense of being is in our routines. With me it is the opening act of getting out of bed having a shower, having breakfast and going out the front door. After a hot summers night, I don't want to mix up that sequence. I know that everybody likes to work to a certain order or in a certain way. Neural Typicals might not be too put off by starting days in different ways. I have a established my routine and I know if that is put out of order it takes me a long time to get over it.

So there we have it! Now we have all four sections of the Myers Briggs and Jung type Indicator. Tune that dial in next week to find out about guardians, artisans, Idealists, Rationalist, and the real life/fictional characters that relate to them!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Myers Briggs and Aspie ways

Hey everyone welcome to the site located in your own favourite lounge room.

So that was one hell of a couple of weeks, I didn't think I could get so much into music and emotions. I wonder if rap means emotional constipation!

Speaking of having a hard time getting it out, my week has been so busy I could have put an bee to shame! I went to see Alan Partridge Alpha Papa, it was fantastic! I give it 9 out of 10 doubloons! I had challenges at my new job that really tested my Aspie wirings but after a shooting some strings and entering some data entrees and I was on top of it like a lion on a gazelle. Lastly I put together my next big speech! This is for the Psych DD conference where I will be the opening act. So I apologise if this blog isn't as funny and perculiar as my other ones.

Has anyone here heard of the Myers Briggs personality test? Yes? No? Maybe? Ask again later? Oh okay then. Well for those who don't know the Myers Briggs type indicator assessment is a psychological survey that is designed to show how someone looks at happenings and the world around them and these influence the persons decisions. A man by the name of Carl Gustav Jung wrote a book about it. In it he stated the four principal psychological functions that govern people in decision making are sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking. People have one of these four functions as a dominant most of the time.

Gee you can imagine Myers Briggs and Carl Jung having a field day on Facebook. They would be deciphering the extraverted sensing feeling percieving people from introverted intuitive Thinking Judging people. Writers use this personality test to create characters in their novels. Yet this test can help people in every day life discover more about themselves. Even though this indicator is mainly applied to fictional characters, the same characteristics can be pointed out in people through everyday life.

I will go through the first two sections this week, followed by the last two next week. So what's on tonights menu? 

Extraverts / sensing and intuition.

Introverts / sensing and intuition.

So let's start off with the well known extroverts and introverts! This odd couple is older than Jack Lemon and Walter Mathau. Extroverts decisions are more "action" orientated where as introverts decisions are more "thought" orientated. Take for example a Saturday night. An extravert may prefer going out to a party. An introvert would rather spend his or her time at home watching a movie or reading a book. Extroverts prefer to seek "breadth" of knowledge and influence. On the other hand introverts seek "depth of knowledge and influence. Take for example an assignment. The extroverts may want to know more about what needs to be done but introverts want to know why they are doing it and what is the best way of achieving  a certain assignment. Extroverts want to be the life of the party! They love a lot of social communication! Introverts aren't as enthusiastic with the idea. However, they do prefer communication on a one to one level. I'm brought back to my favourite comic 'More than Meets The Eye'. Swerve is an eccentric extraverted bot who loves to be a part of the crowd. Tailgate on the other hand is quiet and prefers to communicate one on one with his friend Cyclonus. They say that extraverts recharge and get their energy hanging out with their friends and family whilst introverts recharge and get their energy from spending time alone. Personally I feel that after a large amount of time interacting with many people I feel that I need to spend time at home recharging. That way I can take on the next social expedition with my eager stamina that is match to no other!

So where does this apply to someone with Asperger's? Well, Popular belief is that us Aspies all hate social interaction and we all want to sit in a quiet room and read books. Whoever has those kinds of thoughts has already framed a certain type of people into one restricted category, which is wrong. Aspies come in all introvert, extravert, sensing and intuitive forms. I know us Aspies are probably more introverted but unfortunately I am the extraverted oddball. With our condition we may come off a bit extreme in certain cases where we don't like multitasking and instructions have to be clear, concise and unambiguous. Hell I know many people who say they had no idea how to take me when they first met me. To which I said, take two pokemon with a glass of water and see me in the morning.

Next we move onto sensing and intuition

So what is sensing? It's paying attention to physical reality. Everyone knows what senses we have, sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, 20, 50, 10 and 5 cents. Whoops I was counting the change in my wallet. Not only that, sensing is also about what is actual, present and real. When it comes to most things it's all about the small details rather than the general aspect of  what it is. A great way to see if you are more of a sensing person is by seeing what you like to do with your time. If you prefer cooking, gardening or playing musical instruments, chances are you're more of a sensing guy! If you like running into brick walls, lying on a bed of nails or walking on hot coals then there is no sense in you at all. Though these things can be played out in an intuitive way though. But most of all, it's mainly about experience rather than the theoretical side.

So, what can I say about Intuition. People who are more intuitive, pay more attention to impressions or the meaning and  patterns of the information they receive  They want to work a problem through. They are more interested in something new and how many possible ways there are of reaching a solution. These people are more likely to use symbols or abstract theories. When it's comes to events or gatherings they will remember the general event rather than details of what went on.

Now how does is apply to the mind of an Aspie? To explain is I will have to pay homage to Temple Grandin. She said at the 'Pathways to Employment' seminar in Sydney that some Aspies learn through pictures, seeing things happen. She went on to talk about how some people needed everything written down and there was a third one but I can't recall. The thing we need to be aware of though is that Aspies can utilise these processes in a better manner than others. Temple  also mentions how aspies or autistics have a tendency to think in pictures. This trait is seen as sensing. The reason why we see situations in pictures is because a picture says a thousand words and we generally find a solution quicker than reading a text book. In my opinion us Aspies are more sensitive due to the lack of tolerance and understanding people show us. This also is probably the reason why a lot of us are introverts. 

So there we have the first part of the Myers Briggs blog! Man if Peter Jackson decided to turn this three parter into a movie series it would be in 6 separate 3 hour long films. Anyway I hope your week is a grande one and look forward to seeing all of you next Monday!

Sunday 3 November 2013

Music and emotion PART 2: Genres

Hey guys here we are! Back on the blog that by day is about Asperger's but at night dresses up in a cape and goes out to teach chickens salsa dancing. So another week, another blog!

Before we go to part two lets have a quick rehash of what happened in the world of Tommy K! Work is going lovely, it's great to be getting experience in this field. One day I'll hopefully be getting paid for this! I watched Thor Dark World, which was fantastic! Tom Hiddleston's performance was exceptional as always. I also saw the Hudsucker Proxy and The Lady Killers, two brilliant films by the Coen brothers! Other than that I had a reading of my script 'Aspie Times' which everyone loved. Who knows, I might post it up on here.

You know, music is interesting. Hundreds of years ago we had large orchestras playing 10 to 30 minute pieces that would go from peaceful majestic times to encapsulating thunderous music that would be remembered throughout time. Today we hear songs of a completely different nature. What happened to the ballads? What changed the 'California Girls' into 'All The Single Ladies'? When it comes down to it, it's not just the beat that makes the song together but the lyrics aswell. Who knew a vegetable had a place in music! This time I would like to talk more about genres of music and what they mean to people.

"Rock and Roll" is about me. If I hadn't heard rock and roll on the radio, I would have had no idea there was life on this planet. Which would have been devastating to think that everything, everywhere was like it was where I come from. That would have been profoundly discouraging. Movies didn't do it for me. TV didn't do it for me. It was the radio that did it.
~Lou Reed

Let's start off with a bit of rock. Other than being the gruesome killer of scissors and has a weakness to paper; rock is a genre of music that belts out tunes that make people want to head bang and bang heads. What does make rock music important to them? Well I could say it defines who they are but let's face it, that's for every genre. I can say as someone who has been to a rock concert (yeah I know, an aspie at a rock concert, unbelievable), where you can feel the beat, the guitar or the drums play, you feel it inside of you. Not only that the lyrics to many rock songs make you want to yell and shout. Take ACDC's 'Thunderstruck'

I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track(Thunder)
I look a'round
And I knew there was no turning back (Thunder)
My mind raced
And I thought what could I do (Thunder)
And I knew
And I knew there was no help,no help from you (Thunder)

When these lyrics were combined with the trademark beat that ACDC are known for, the result is a heart pumping, rocking song that is great for most party playlists.

Now it's time for a 'quote' from Jazzy Jerry Mcquire, Show me the music! Okay with that bad pun out for the way we move onto Jazz! Now this is my favourite genre for it's tone and rhythm have a wide range, from relaxing to the dancing feeling and speed of swing. There is the blues which can be said to be jazz's depressed twin. As a man who has passion for these genres, I have to say that I feel like these are the genres of emotion. Nearly every emotion can be played through it's sub genres. There is joy and excitement through swing. Sadness and strong emotions through blues. Jazz can help tell a story like Cab Calloway's 'Minnie the Moocher' or support a fantastic show like Cowboy Bebop or movie like Chicago. The song I listen to when I am sad is called 'Gotta Knock a Little Harder' by the Seatbelts. Check it out! Something I would like to share with you now is a song that has to do with someone invisible.

Suppose you was a woman, wed
And sleepin' in a double bed
Beside one man, for seven years
You'd notice him

A human being's made of more than air
With all that bulk, you're bound to see him there
Unless that human bein' next to you
Is unimpressive, undistinguished you know who

Mister Cellophane from the movie Chicago has to be one of my all time favourite movie songs, up there with 'Professional Pirate'. It's lyrics speak of a humble man who doesn't want the high life and doesn't want to be famous. He just wants to be loved. I have always loved Amos's character cause he is just so adorable and relatable. I like quoting the song in my speeches because back in high school, you could look right through me, walk right by me, and never know I'm there. Unfortunately a good example of different tastes for different people, my father has a different view on Blues and Jazz. He feels Jazz is played by 7 men, each one not knowing what the other is playing. Sad I know. He will only listen to the blues when it is played backwards because he feels that it is when it turns into a happy song. He does need to see a music doctor.

Country will be filled by dad because I just can't do this. My dad really loves to listen to songs about dead cows and broken tractors. Some of you would call it Country music. I don't know how this happened but without thinking I blurted out to him " What do you see in Country music?". Here is his mournful reply.

"There is nothing like a 'Sunday Morning Coming Down' or a 'Ring of Fire' after a hot curry dinner. What other genre can make you feel so in tune with how real people live. No other genre can tell a story like a good ol' Country song." Well thank god thats over, I thought I would be playing a banjo and speaking through buck teeth, by the time he finished.

As a 90s kid, I grew up with all the great pop bands, Backstreet Boys, N'SYNC and the Spice Girls. To be honest, I didn't enjoy them. Or my older brother and dad playing U2 and Bruce Springsteen 24/7. Our second last item, is POP. The nineties were fun, with all that was going around I am pretty sure everyone was basically celebrating the end of the Cold War. Looks like Russia may have the most land and vodka, but they have the least sense in politics. Those guys are great, I love their architecture and mysterious radioactive sites. Anyway back to pop, what makes it important to people? Well it defined a generation, just like classic rock did the 50s and 60s  and jazz did the 30s and 40s. It was a style of music that was celebrated for it's up beat tempo and joyful lyrics. Though today you will not hear me listen to S club 7.

Don't stop, never give up
Hold your head high
and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you ( bring it all back)

Eeeerrr. I know there are people out there who enjoy and get inspired by these lyrics. I personally do like the lyrics, but the music is not for me. Look it was great back then but just like a white guy wearing bling. You ask yourself, oh god what were they thinking? They thought that was good? I guess those were simpler times. Don't get me wrong though, I love a lot of pop songs, the Bare Naked Ladies, Billy Joel and Hootie and the Blowfish are all on my iPad and listened to regularly, cause that's 'My Life'!

Lastly we come to Grunge, Heavy Metal and other songs that involve a lot of screaming. Now I'm not a musicist ( against one whole type of music genre[except for country music of course]), so I will try my best to convey what I think this genre means. As I have said before, there is a music genre for everyone, so what makes people like Grunge? Maybe they have been hurt or what to hurt, someone broke their heart or want to break someones heart, so they need to yell and scream to get it out. Through all those experiences we can get songs that people end up loving. Everyone relates to something, it's what makes music the universal bond throughout the centuries.

Remember, people don't have to be broken, angry, weird or anything to like any music, it's music! You can like any genre you want because it suits your tastes! Hell I'm currently listening to Reel Big Fish, a Skar band play a scat version of Frank Sinatra's New York, New York. So I say live and let listen, live and let play, live and let those enjoy!

If you got soul, Jazz it up to get rid of the Blues but Rap it back to Rock and Classically cool it down to Folk so you can watch the grass grow in the Country!